In a today’s marketplace eCommerce stores are ruling the globe. An eCommerce store is necessary for today’s time for product based owners. eCommerce stores help you to sell your products online. You can grow your business online with eCommerce. When it comes to online marketing Magento is a popular platform in a today’s market. PHP based open source CMS can be managed well by Magento developers. WooCommerce, Shopify, Drupal, WordPress and other platform have eCommerce plugins and extension to manage your online store. But if you want to go with the feature of the Shopping cart you need to go with Magento. Around the globe, there is 12-24 million eCommerce store selling products online. Almost 250,000 eCommerce users used magneto platform for their website.
Using Magento, a small and corporate businessman can build their eCommerce store and sell their products online easily. Magento provides you website management, catalog management, marketing tools, product management, customer management and online payment management. But Magento 1 is not so popular nowadays. Its new version of Magento 2 offers awesome features to build your eCommerce store. Magento 2 provides many features which attract business owners to control their website most efficiently and grow their business faster. Let’s understand the reason why you need to choose Magento 2.
Choose Magneto 2 for your eCommerce websiteImprove performance and scalability
Magento 2 improves performance and scalability more than Magento 1. Magento 2 is integrated by varnish cache helps you to improve page load time for customers and improve the shopping experience of them. With Magento 2, you can improve your website performance load 30% to 50% faster. For a front-end user, Magento 2 one is capable to handle 36% number of orders and 66% faster to add a product in the cart. Magento 2 improves efficient updates and help to speed up performance.
Magento 2 is a scalable platform. Scalability help to give merchants flexibility to use multiple databases based on the functional area of the applications. Merchants have a single database like a checkout, product catalog management, and order management.
Full page cache
In Magento 1, many owners are facing issues with page loading. That will impact to a visitor of the site. When visitor facing page loading issues then it directly impacts on sales conversion rate. To solve this problem Magento 2 provide full page caching. It means Magento 2 boosts the performance of the website by storing HTML output in a cache. It reduces load time 5-8 second just in a 2 second. Using this, websites can handle more visitor and traffic without shell out any additional hosting. It helps you to decrease loading time, make your website user experience easy and increase sales conversion rate. Without caching, each page needs to run codes and retrieve some information in a database. But in full page caching, every pages and data recalling directly from the cache.
Admin panel improvement
Magento 2 enhance admin panel. The design new admin panel which is more user-friendly, easy and native. Using Magento 2, you can designs menu simple and organize in an effective way. The updated admin panel is a new version of the platform which is allowed to manage your site simply for each user. It means you can easily modify your eCommerce store and build more functions in store in a halftime of Magento 1. This admin panel help administrators to decrease the time consuming to manage page, products, categories, orders and allow to save your time and perform a task faster for your business.
Upgrade future
Magento 2 is very flexible and easy for upgradation. Magento 2 provides much better options to upgrade and install the extension. This help to system integration easy and upgrade to create the deployment. You can use import/export functionality to export records, products and inventory data and import the same into Magento 2.
So now you understand benefits of Magento 2. Magento 2 is better rather than Magento 1. If you want to build your eCommerce store, choose Magento 2 platform for your online store or else if you have eCommerce store then migrate to Magento 2. It will help you to grow your online business. Search over the Google Best Magento Development Company to build your eCommerce store.
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